Reclaim Your Life One Day Healing Event!
Join Jodi ST.Onge, powerful day of healing and transformation. Attendees will be introduced to and experience the power of ThetaHealing®, along with other holistic and healing techniques, perfectly synchronized to provide to all attending everything they need to shift their lives in a powerful way. Whether you are attending for physical, emotional or mental healing, or maybe you are attending because you are experiencing financial difficulties in life, or problems with family members, this day will create the perfect opportunity to heal in such a way, to reset and feel empowered to make a new.
What to expect:
“Everything is energy and every thought has power and the Creator is the center of it all.” ~Jodi St.Onge.
During this one day healing event, Jodi will work with the attendees, by introducing them to the power of ThetaHealing ® and guide everyone through various ThetaHealing® Meditations and Exercises that are designed to assist those attending in identifying what may be the root cause to their disharmony or illness and transforming these identified beliefs, feelings and programs.
Participants throughout the day of healing will experience all of what Jodi can offer them. From powerful ThetaHealing®, to sound healing with crystals, hands on healing, and guidance and insight from their guides and angels, to assist them in moving forward and continuing their journey in health and wellness.
Jodi recognizes that the work that we will be conducting is both private and personal. Jodi is dedicated to providing everyone a comfortable and safe place to shift, heal and transform. Providing time and space for each person attending to receive all that they need to heal in the highest and best way possible.
Fee: $99.00
***Restorative mats, a blanket and pillow will be provided to everyone attending
Light refreshments and snacks will be served.
***It is recommended that everyone attending bring an additional pillow and blankets to aid in your comfort throughout the meditations and exercises.
***It is also recommended that everyone eat something light before attending. With all of the healing work set for the day, we will have little time for a lunch break; and it’s important to stay grounded and present throughout the event. Breaks will be taken several times throughout the day with opportunity to relax and enjoy a snack before the next segment.
Please Contact Jodi with any Food Allergies or Concerns.
Gluten Free, Nut Free and Vegetarian snack options will be available. You are also welcome to bring your own snacks.
What is ThetaHealing®?
ThetaHealing® is a powerful meditation technique that works with the body’s natural ability to heal itself through the Theta brainwave, connecting with the highest consciousness to promote overall health and wellness. It was founded by a woman named Vianna Stibal when she cured herself from a very rare form of bone cancer. In her journey to health, Vianna recognized that when an individual reaches the Theta brainwave, that we have the ability to connect with the highest consciousness in the Universe, the Creator and heal our bodies. Vianna also discovered, that we have the ability to lift and change what we call blocks, (trauma, negative patterns and emotions like regret, remorse and resentments, grudges and fears.) that may be holding you back. Assisting people in transforming their lives in the best way possible.
How does ThetaHealing ® work?
To understand how ThetaHealing® works, we must first look at how our brains work. The brain works by processing and sending information in the body and senses. It is made up of various parts, and contains 80-100 Billion Neurons. When you have a thought, your brain lights up to receive it, activating surrounding Neurons, thus sending information back and forth in the body. Our brains are at the heart of Human Intelligence. Everything that we see, feel, sense, smell, and taste; from our heart beating, to every breath we take, to our digestive systems job of transforming food into nutrition and energy for the body is all controlled by our amazing brains. It truly is amazing how our brains do all that they do. Scientists often compare our brains to that of a High-tech Super Computer, which carries within it the power to heal our body, to heal our past, to heal our minds and manifest our dreams. This is why meditation is so important to living a healthier and happier life.
When we meditate, our neurons release chemicals in the brain, releasing endorphins that immediately begin reducing anxiety, discomfort and pain in the body. Promoting deep relaxation, as the meditator becomes more relaxed, our brain waves begin to shift. Moving from Beta, when we are awake, into Alpha, and then into the Theta brainwave, which is often described as feeling of being in a state of wakeful dreaming. Practicing meditation will increase Intuition, Compassion, Increasing Problem Solving Abilities, and a greater sense of wellbeing.
In ThetaHealing®, we believe that it is here within the Theta brainwave that we have the ability to connect with the highest consciousness in the Universe, the Creator of All that Is. When we connect with the Creator in this manner, we have the opportunity to heal our bodies, our relationships, our lives in so many ways. Here we have the ability to change our lives forever and in the highest and best way.
To learn more about ThetaHealing(R) click the photo to go to my ThetaHealing Page.
For more information about ThetaHealing, visit;