“I eat the colors of the rainbow”

Happy Eating = Healthier You!

"I eat the colors of the rainbow..." Ahhhh the lyrics of that song from Sesame Street, still rings in my head as I make daily choices in my meals to feed my body what it needs. We often forget, while living a busy life, that what we put into our bodies, affects how we feel day to day. And with so many of our foods now being genetically modified, or containing added food dyes and preservatives, it's no wonder that many of us are feeling the affects of these additives in our day to day lives. Anxiety, Depression, Digestive Issues, and Attention issues and hyperactivity can be directly linked to food and what we put in our bodies. Changing your Gut Flora is absolutely important to maintaining and achieving a healthier and happier you.

What set me on my path towards eating healthier, was a personal journey. A few years back, I suddenly became allergic to milk and was sick from months, not knowing what was causing me such illness. I did some research and began a food journal, and made the changes in my own diet to work on my own body and how I felt day to day. At the time, I was always bloated, sluggish, very tired, irritable and was experiencing allot of anxiety. It couldn't all be what was going on in my life. Being a busy mom and running my own private practice and business takes allot of work. What I found, what that I was suddenly very dairy intolerant, and it makes me very ill. I also have sensitivity to legumes, nuts, pork products and cured meats and anything with preservatives. I decided to cut it all out of my diet. I realized that my body doesn't enjoy it when I am eating poorly, and doesn't like it when I eat fast food. Even many restaurants cause me to have discomfort, bloating and I become sluggish. Who Knew? I mean we know this information and are taught it at a young age, but I swear we get lazy in our old age, and think we are invincible and that what we eat doesn't matter. But it does. Truly. Now I am not that much of a stickler, and do cheat from time to time, and eat something sweet or enjoy a glass of wine. But one thing I don't falter from is the choices I make when it's time to eat. I'd rather pay for good food than pay for fast food. I always choose fresh foods to eat as often as I can. I cook fresh and make everything from scratch. I also eat "The Colors of the Rainbow". Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I also have found that through my digestive changes in life, eating right benefits me. My mind is clearer and no anxiety. No more feeling sluggish, no more bloat and I have more energy. You may not be ready to make these changes right away and not sure where to begin. Slow and steady is what I found works best, and learn what your body likes and doesn't like. Having a food journal will assist you in keeping track of your meals and how you feel after eating them and then you can make healthier choices as you go along , with your own data.

Happy eating and creating a healthier you.


Benefits of working with Crystals and Gemstones, Lapis Lazuli “the magical stone”.